Tag Archives: health tourism

Medical Tourism Packages: Luring Patients Worldwide

Medical tourism industry in India as well as in several Asian countries has been registering a sky-high growth over the past few years. In India, it is reported to have been growing by 30% every year, with more and more patients from the West. Not just that, reports suggest that many fitness freaks are lured by the Indian Vedic way of life and are keen on rejuvenating their health through Ayurveda medication and therapies. People from the US, Europe and the Middle East are seeking the aid of Indian healthcare centers and hospitals as a cheap and reliable alternative. To top it all, medical tourism industry in these countries offer a wide variety of packages that are sure to lure patients worldwide. Attractive medical tourism packages of these countries also account for the outpouring number of patients every year.

Medical tourism packages are chiefly designed to offer patients a complete cure and revitalized experience. These packages allow patients not only complete healthcare facilities but also excellent tour options as well. The medical tourism packages are implemented through successful partnerships among some of the best tour operators, well established healthcare centers, hospitals and travel service providers. Aimed to stand up to the expectations of international patients, medical tourism packages encompass all-possible facilities within their purview- be it diagnostic, surgical, holistic or any other complementary treatments. These packages enable foreign patients not only to undergo medical treatment but also to discover the rich cultural heritage of the countries they visit.

This combination of healthcare and tourism facilities at an affordable price serves as a magnet to attract patients from all over the world. Not only are patients provided with world class facilities but are also let to travel around the country and have a glimpse of its social life and culture. Besides, recent successes of Indian doctors treating overseas patients has also inspired more and more foreign patients to opt for these destinations.

Besides, patients do not have to wait long to undergo any complicated surgery or treatment in these medical tourist destinations in contrast to the long waiting list in Western countries. Such a long waiting list can even cost a patient’s life! This is another reason for the constant insurgence of foreign patients in the Asian medical tourism sector.

The medical tourism industry has thus found an effective strategy to boost up its market by offering a wide range of medical tourism packages. Medical tourism services provide detailed information on all different medical tourism packages along with some valuable suggestions as well. With hospitals, hotels, conveyance facilities meeting international standards, medical tourism packages are set to make their target customers sit, relax and enjoy a rejuvenating experience!

Suzanne Macguire is an Internet marketing professional with expertise in content development and technical writing in a variety of industries.
Medical Tourism in India

The Good and Bad of the Hip and Knee Replacement

Knee replacement surgery

Knee replacement surgery – also known as total knee arthroplasty can help relieve pain and restore function in severely diseased knee joints. During knee replacement, a surgeon cuts away damaged bone and cartilage from your thighbone, shinbone and kneecap and replaces it with an artificial joint (prosthesis) made of metal alloys, high-grade plastics and polymers.

The first artificial knees were little more than crude hinges. Today you and your doctor can choose from a wide variety of designs that take into account your age, weight, activity level and overall health. Most knee replacement joints attempt to replicate your knee’s natural ability to roll and glide as it bends.

Why Knee Replacement is done

Knee replacement surgery : –

Knee replacement surgery can repair damage from osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions. The artificial joint has metal alloy caps for your thighbone and shinbone, and high-density plastic to replace eroded cartilage within the joint and on your kneecap.

Knee X-rays : –

Knee X-rays of an osteoarthritic knee before and after knee replacement surgery. A knee replacement can decrease pain and disability in people with knee problems caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other degenerative conditions, such as avascular necrosis – a condition in which obstructed blood flow causes your bone tissue to die.

Knee replacement may help you if : –

* You have pain that limits activities such as walking, climbing stairs and getting in and out of chairs, or you experience moderate or severe knee pain at rest.
* You have limited function or mobility, such as chronic knee stiffness and swelling that prevent you from bending and straightening your knee.
* You’ve tried other methods to improve symptoms, for example, resting, weight loss, physical therapy, a cane or other walking aid, medications, braces and surgery, but they’ve failed.
* You have a knee deformity, such as a joint that bows in or out.
* You’re age 55 or older. Knee replacement is typically performed in older adults, but it may be considered for adults of all ages. Young, physically active people are more likely to wear out their new knee prematurely. For those people, a doctor may recommend continued nonsurgical treatment or suggest an alternative surgery such as arthroscopy, leg straightening (osteotomy), or a partial knee replacement, which replaces fewer components than does a total knee replacement.
* You’re generally healthy. Good candidates for knee replacement are typically healthy, without conditions such as restricted blood flow, diabetes, or infections that can complicate surgery and recovery. Obesity alone won’t disqualify you from surgery, but it may slow healing and increase your risk of infection after surgery.

Risks of Knee Replacement Surgery

As with any surgery, knee replacement surgery carries risks, including : –

* Infection
* Knee stiffness
* Blood clots in the leg vein (thrombophlebitis) or lungs (pulmonary embolism)
* Heart attack
* Stroke
* Nerve damage

Risks of serious complications are rare. Fewer than 2 percent of people undergoing knee replacement surgery experience serious complications. Put another way, for every 100 knee replacement procedures, one or two people will experience serious complications.

Infection can occur years after surgery

Infection is an ongoing concern. Even years after surgery, bacteria can travel through your bloodstream and infect the surgical site.

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice : –

* Fever greater than 100 F (38 C)
* Shaking chills
* Drainage from the surgical site
* Increasing redness, tenderness, swelling and pain in the knee

If antibiotics fail to clear up the infection, you usually need one surgery to remove the infected joint and another surgery to install a new one. Your chances of a good or excellent outcome that reduces pain and improves function decline with each additional surgery.

Artificial knees can break

Another risk of knee replacement surgery is failure of the new knee joint. Subjected to daily stress, even the strongest metal and plastic parts eventually wear out. You’re at a greater risk of joint failure if you’re a young, obese male or you have complicating conditions.

How you prepare for Knee Replacement Surgery

An orthopedic surgeon – a doctor who treats muscle and bone problems – performs knee replacement procedures. Before the procedure, the surgeon takes your medical history and performs a physical examination to assess your knee’s range of motion, stability and strength. An X-ray exam to determine the extent of knee damage also may done. You’ll undergo a full medical exam, including blood tests, an electrocardiogram and a urine test, before surgery.

Knee replacement surgery requires anesthesia to make you comfortable during surgery. Your input and personal preference helps the team decide whether to use general anesthesia, which renders you unconscious during the operation, or spinal or epidural anesthesia, during which you are awake but can’t feel any pain.

Your doctor or anesthesiologist may advise you to stop taking certain medications and dietary supplements before your surgery. You’ll likely be instructed not to eat anything after midnight before your surgery.

Plan ahead for your recovery after surgery

For several weeks after the procedure, you may need the assistance of crutches or a walker. Make advance arrangements for transportation home from the hospital and help with everyday tasks such as cooking, bathing and doing laundry. If you live alone, your surgeon’s staff can suggest a temporary caretaker.

To make your home safer and easier to navigate during recovery, consider making the following improvements : –

* Create a complete living space on one floor since climbing stairs can be difficult.
* Install safety bars or a secure handrail in your shower or bath.
* Secure handrails along your stairways.
* Obtain a stable chair with a firm seat cushion and back, and a footstool to elevate your leg.
* Arrange for a toilet-seat riser with arms if you have a low toilet.
* Try a stable bench or chair for your shower.
* Remove all loose carpets and electric cords.

What you can expect of Knee Replacement Surgery

During knee replacement surgery : –

On the day of surgery, your doctor attaches several monitors to your body to help make sure that your heart rate, blood pressure and blood-oxygen levels stay at safe levels throughout the procedure. These monitors may include a blood pressure cuff on your arm and heart-monitor leads stuck to your chest.

Artificial knee joints used in knee replacement surgery are typically made of metal and plastic. Metal alloy parts replace the damaged thighbone and shinbone. High-density plastic on the shin component replaces lost cartilage. During the procedure, your knee is in a bent position so that all surfaces of the joint are fully exposed. After making an incision between 6 and 12 inches (15 and 30 centimeters) in length, your surgeon moves aside your kneecap and cuts away the damaged joint surfaces. Your surgeon takes measurements to ensure a good fit for your new prosthesis and smoothes your bones’ rough edges.

The surgeon then inserts the prosthesis. Before closing the incision, he or she bends and rotates your knee, testing and balancing it to ensure that it functions properly. Expect knee replacement surgery to last about two hours.

Some people choose to have both knees replaced at the same time. Whether this improves the outcome of surgery or whether surgery on both knees is more risky is controversial among surgeons. Discuss your concerns with your surgeon.

After knee replacement surgery : –

After surgery, you’re wheeled to a recovery room for one to two hours. You’re then moved to your hospital room, where you typically stay for several days before going home. You may feel some pain, but nerve blocks and medications prescribed by your doctor will help control it.

During the hospital stay, you’re encouraged to move your foot and ankle, which increases blood flow to your leg muscles and helps prevent swelling and blood clots. You may need to receive blood thinners and wear support hose or compression boots to further protect against swelling and clotting.

The day after surgery, a physical therapist shows you how to exercise your new knee. To help regain movement, you may use a device called a continuous passive motion machine, which slowly moves your knee while you’re in bed.

During the first few weeks after surgery, you’re more likely to experience a good recovery if you follow all of your surgeon’s instructions concerning wound care, diet and exercise.

Your physical activity program needs to include : –

* A graduated walking program – first indoors, then outdoors – to gradually increase your mobility
* Slowly resuming other normal household activities, including walking up and down stairs
* Knee-strengthening exercises you learned from the hospital physical therapist, performed several times a day

Results of Knee Replacement Surgery : –

More than 95 percent of people who have a total knee replacement experience significant pain relief, improved mobility and a better overall quality of life. Talk with your doctor about what you can expect from knee replacement surgery.

Three to six weeks after knee replacement surgery, you generally can resume most normal daily activities such as shopping and light housekeeping. Driving is possible in four to six weeks if you can bend your knee far enough to sit in a car and you have enough muscle control to properly operate the brakes and accelerator.

After you’ve recovered, you can enjoy a variety of low-impact activities, such as walking, swimming, playing golf or biking. But higher impact activities, such as jogging, skiing, tennis, and sports that involve contact or jumping, may be out. Talk to your doctor about your limitations.


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Hungary’s economy, generating 227million Euros in revenue each year from Dental Tourism, Viktor Orban said

Dental tourism is crucial for Hungary’s economy, generating 227million Euros in revenue each year Viktor Orban said, “Hungary is able to tap into its advantage in dental tourism and show Europe how it can get back on its feet”. Health tourism, especially spa and dental tourism, also receive special attention with the government planning support worth 117 million Euros. The state will finance the sector’s development including market expansion, cost optimalisation, technical upgrade and incentives to keep dentists in Hungary and prevent their migration. The programme will aim at increasing dental services to foreigners two-fold in three years and three-fold in five years.

The government claims that Hungary’s share of dental tourism in Europe is around 40 %, but with many EU rivals who have no accurate figures on dental tourism, that figure seems too high. Hungary needs promotion to keep its market lead ahead of fierce Polish, Turkish, Bulgarian and Czech competition.

To raise standards and attract more health tourists Serbia is drafting a new spa law. Vladan Vešković, of the Serbian Spas and Resorts Association says “The most important objectives of the new law are criteria regulation for spa certification and recertification, environment protection, as well as regulation for the use of the natural medicines. The implementation of a sustainable spa law will have a positive influence on the attitude of the relevant institutions in Serbia and encourage them to define spa tourism and promote it as a strategic tourist product of Serbia.”

Many spa centers in Bulgaria, especially in the capital city of Sofia, are housed in basements, garages and similar premises, which are rather unsuitable for relaxation. However, according to the newly passed amendments to the Tourism Act, managers of spa and relaxation centers will no longer be allowed to house their businesses in such inappropriate premises. Hissarya mayor Georgi Piryankov says, ‘Many spas in Bulgaria fail to meet the latest criteria regarding their clients’ relaxation and health recovery. The amendments require that all managers and owners of spa and wellness centers provide their clients with relaxation conditions corresponding to the certificates that they have obtained. In addition, hoteliers will be obliged to inform their guests if the water that their spa centers use is mineral or it comes from the tap.”



Retreived from “http://www.articlesbase.com/medical-tourism-articles/hungarys-economy-generating-227million-euros-in-revenue-each-year-from-dental-tourism-viktor-orban-said-4779895.html”

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Adnan Ahmed
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Source: www.articlesbase.com/medical-tourism-articles/hungarys-economy-generating-227million-euros-in-revenue-each-year-from-dental-tourism-viktor-orban-said-4779895.html
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Healthcare Reform Updates, A Medical Tourism Association Webinar

This webinar was live on June 1, 2011 and was recorded in order to educate interested parties on this topic. Get updated on the status of the US healthcare reform law. Where does the healthcare reform law stand today almost one year after its anniversary? Find out if anything has changed and about the upcoming rules and compliance issues over the next few years. Jonathan Edelheit CEO of the Medical Tourism Association is presenting in this webinar. Facebook: www.facebook.com Blog: www.medicaltourismmag.com Slideshare: www.slideshare.net
Video Rating: 5 / 5

I am back from Seattle and surgery is getting closer and closer! Less than a month now! Sharing some cool finds I found in Seattle including some bento boxes. I plan to eventually be making bariatric friendly bento meals for myself with them! Also don’t mind my hair looking all blah, just took a shower after a lonnnnng day at work. 🙂