For information on Medical Tourism in Korea: www.medicalkorea.or.kr About the G20 The first G20 Summit was held in Washington two years ago, in 2008, with the objective of tackling the US Financial Crisis. At the time, the financial crisis created increased awareness about the necessity of a balanced leadership from both developed and developing countries to achieve financial stability. The G20 emerged to address such concerns and ever since has worked not only to deal with the financial crisis but also to coordinate policies to achieve balanced and sustainable growth. The G20 Seoul Summit On November 11th and 12th leaders of 20 countries will gather in Seoul for the G20 Seoul Summit 2010, the forum where global issues such as the state of the global economy will be discussed. The G20 Seoul Summit will be the first summit held in a non-G7, emerging country, offering a great opportunity to South Korea to take a leading role in setting the agenda, coordinating economic policy and thereby elevating its voice and profile in the international community. How was South Korea Selected to Host the Summit? South Korea is the first non G7, emerging country to be selected as the host of this summit. How did it get selected? The G20 members selected South Korea as the next host because they wanted to learn from its experience in overcoming the financial crisis in late 1990s. Furthermore, as a country that grew from being a major recipient of international aid into a major economy, the …
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