Breast Augmentation , Breast Enlargement : Medical Tourism in the Philippine

Breast Augmentation , Breast Enlargement : Medical Tourism in the Philippine

Breast Augmentation; Affordable Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines

Breast augmentation, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breast with the use of breast implant (silicon or saline). The procedure also enhances breast contour and volume after pregnancy. Breast implant is composed of silicon gel or saline within a silicon shell. Breast implant is different from silicon oil. Most Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon all over the world doesn’t do silicon oil injection of breast to enhance breast size and volume. This technique is condemned both locally and internationally by most surgeon, since the result are unpredictable and compounded by numerous complications such as extrusion, skin necrosis and infection. Patients should not allow them self to be subjected to this procedure, because the risk for unwanted complication is very high and result are deforming or unpredictable. Most surgeon uses Breast Implant which is composed of material that is non toxic, non allergenic, non teratogenic and biocompatible to human tissues and thus have less risk for any unwanted results and with more predictable outcome.

Most Recommended Tips for reast Augmentation , Breast Enlargement : Medical Tourism in the Philippine

I perform my Breast Augmentation procedure under deep sedation with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The procedure can be done either as an outpatient surgery or patient can be admitted or confine for a day or two in a hospital, depending on the surgeon and patient’s preference. Weather the procedure will be performed as an Out-Patient or as a Hospital procedure, preoperative laboratory and medical clearance is required. The surgery usually takes one to two hours to complete. The breast implant can be inserted through an incision at armpit or breast folds or at the areolar border. Each choice of incision site has its own advantage and disadvantage in terms of scar cosmesis and nipple sensation. And among the three incisions the transaxillary approach has the best scar cosmesis since it is concealed and nipple sensation is well preserve. But it is advisable to the patient to further discus this issue if ever scaring will be a significant concern. After the procedure there will be some swelling and mild bruising that last for several days to few weeks and this is only a transient changes. Patient is required to wear breast binder for 3 to 6 weeks. This will hold the breast implant in place during the healing process and also help control the swelling. Sutures are removed after 7 to 10 days.


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