Costa Rica Dental Tourism; Porcelain Veneers

Costa Rica Dental Tourism – Do you ever feel conscious smiling in public because of discolored, cracked or chipped teeth? Or have you ever been to a job interview and feel embarrassed answering questions clearly because your decayed teeth would be exposed if you enunciate your words to be understood? Have you ever wished for whiter and straighter teeth that will give you a bright and beautiful smile? If you have then getting porcelain veneers might be the answer to your dental problem.


Porcelain Veneers (also referred to as porcelain laminate or dental veneers) is a thin layer of custom-made porcelain shell designed to cover the front surface of the teeth to improve its appearance while providing strength and malleability to it at the same time.

So what types of problems do dental veneers fix? Veneers are routinely used to fix teeth that are badly discolored or stained, teeth that are chipped or broken, misaligned and irregularly shaped teeth including teeth with gaps or spaces between them.

The first step to getting your perfect smile is to find a dentist who specializes in veneers and schedule an appointment with that dentist. During the consultation phase the dentist would evaluate your oral health, check if you are a good candidate for getting dental veneers and discuss treatment options. During this phase, it is best you ask questions and inform the dentist of your expectations that way he can discuss the limitations and properly set your expectations. The dentist will most likely create a diagnostic mock up for you to try on veneers and other treatment options to get the final look you wish to accomplish.

After the initial consultation, you are going to be required to make two more trips to the dental clinic- one for making the veneer and the other trip for the application of the veneer. The first appointment usually takes 3-4 hours. During this visit the dentist will prepare your tooth for the veneer where about 0.5 millimeters of the front surface of the tooth’s enamel will be removed; do not worry a local anesthesia may be used to numb the area where the procedure will be done so you won’t feel any pain when the enamel of your tooth is being scrapped. Afterwards the dentist will make an impression of your tooth which will be sent to a dental laboratory who will fabricate the veneer that will be applied to your tooth. It normally takes one to two weeks before the veneer is fabricated and sent to the dentist. When the veneer is ready, you will be asked to go back to the dental clinic for the veneer to be applied and permanently cemented to your tooth.

The dentist would first try the fit and color of the veneer by temporarily bonding it to your tooth that has previously been prepared. He or she will repeatedly trim, cut down and remove the veneer until you and the dentist has achieved the color and look you wish to accomplish. Once you and the dentist are satisfied with the veneer, the tooth will be cleaned, polished and etched to prepare it to receive the veneer. A special bonding cement is then applied to the veneer and then the veneer will be placed on the surface of your tooth. Once the veneer is properly positioned on top of your tooth, a special light beam will be used to activate the chemicals on the cement to harden it quickly and get the veneer permanently bonded to your tooth. The excess cement will then be removed and the dentist will evaluate your bite to check if any adjustment needs to be done. You may be asked to return to the dental clinic a few more times for the dentist to check how your gums are responding to the treatment and presence of veneer and once again examine the placement of the veneer.

More and more people are choosing Costa Rica dentists and experiencing dental tourism along the shores of the land of “Pura Vida”.  Whether it be dental implants or porcelain veneers the prices and professional dentists in Costa Rica are becoming an everyday solution to dental patients looking to save money and enjoy a tropical vacation.  To find out more get your free Costa Rica dental tourism e-book below.

source: / The Costarican Times / Home> Costa Rica News / by Dan Stevens / Thursday – January 09th, 2014

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