Category Archives: Medical Tourism/Health Tourism

Surgical Centers Are Quickly Becoming the Hot New Travel Destination

Americans often move for relief from the high cost of living after they retire and 56 million Americans under age 65 will have trouble paying medical bills. Interstate migration to certain states is high (Arizona, Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Oregon, and Texas). State and local taxes are one consideration, but health care is a significant consideration for many people. Some foreign countries have made an industry of attracting American expats (Costa Rica, Panama) and even offer low-cost health insurance.

An article in the January issue of Newsweek highlights a growing trend: travelling to undergo major surgery. Americans are flocking to countries such as Costa Rica, Mexico, India, Thailand, and Mexico, as well as European destinations such as Germany, for affordable surgical procedures. Heart bypass surgery, a $113,000 investment in the U.S., costs $10,000 in India and $13,000 in Thailand.

Termed “medical tourism,” this industry is growing. Approximately 16 million Americans will travel abroad for treatment by 2017. This represents $373 billion that will be spent on medical procedures and accommodations on foreign soil. The World Health Organization indicates that procedures that are expensive in the U.S.—hip and knee replacements, back surgery and cosmetic work—are more affordable elsewhere.

The article describes existing medical tourism programs, including German Surgery, an organization that matches patients’ needs to physicians and hospitals that can meet them. This medical concierge service also works with insurers. Frank Rothmaier, general manager of the Munich-based company that owns German Surgery, estimates that a total hip replacement costs 30% to 60% less in Germany than in the US.   Some US health insurers have initiated medical tourism programs for members who enrolled self-funded health plans. Their rationale is that despite airfare and accommodations, savings can be large. Note that the website reports that 458 hospitals around the world are Joint Commission International accredited; accreditation is one factor patients desire when they travel to have surgery. This web site advises patients considering traveling for care to select a travel companion carefully. They also note that 70% of patients rate their care as excellent .

source: / MD> News / by Jeannette Y. Wick, Rph, MBA, FASCP / March 11th, 2015

Why Men Are Flocking to Turkey For Facial Hair Transplants

Hair transplants are nothing new, but now facial hair grafts are all the rage in Turkey.  Allure  dives into the phenomenon behind this new tourism trend.


Forget Brazilian butt lifts, the newest hot thing in medical tourism? Hair transplants in Turkey — not only for the head, but for lush facial hair. (Not every fella has a natural Selleck ‘stache or Jon Hamm beard!) After getting a travel press release noting that 15,000 people come to Turkey for hair transplantation, we did some digging on this trend to find out if having cosmetic procedures while abroad is a safe option.

The men who are getting these procedures done (and it is mostly dudes) aren’t American; they’re from countries like Italy, Greece, and recently from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, says Celik Nuri, a plastic surgeon and the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery’s National Secretary for Turkey. Facial hair transplants are the most popular amongst Arab patients: “Over the last 10 years, all of the male models in fashion magazines have become less feminized and have a ton of facial hair to be more masculine,” he says. He personally is doing a lot more lipo-sculpting on Arab patients to mimic a muscular build. It’s all a part of an overall boom in plastic surgery in Istanbul.

Initially, it was all personal referral: Turkish populations living in other countries would tell their friends about the relatively lower-cost, high-quality medical care in Istanbul, but now companies in European countries organize medical tours to the city. Because of more relaxed vacation policies, Arabic and European patients typically plan to be in Istanbul for a week. They have the surgery and then stay to enjoy the city and get any necessary immediate follow-ups. “You see a lot of men at historic sites around the city who clearly have just had hair transplant surgery,” says Nuri.

In Istanbul, it’s common for foreign and local patients alike to use email and Whatsapp to make appointments and send photos of their progress to their doctors. “Almost 100 percent of my patients communicate with Whatsapp — it’s so visual,” says Nuri, a reconstructive specialist. “I ask for photos every week, and then every month. My hair transplant colleagues ask for weekly updates.” If a patient, now at home, is unsatisfied, docs will tell them to hop on another plane to Istanbul, or if they’re having complications, refer them to a local physician who can attend to them immediately.

Michael Edwards, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), says that Europeans and Middle Easterners visiting Turkey for plastic surgery is akin to a Canadian coming to the United States for a medical procedure, and he doesn’t advise Americans to go all the way to Turkey or elsewhere for a hair transplant — or any procedure. “There are wonderfully talented, great doctors around the world, but if you have surgery abroad you’re not going to have the same access to them as you would a closer doctor,” says Edwards. “There are also equally as many, if not more, people that are out to try and capitalize on vanity — and whatever the hot trend in surgery is at the moment. What’s if there’s an issue in wound healing? They’re just going to tell you to go to a local ER.”

If you do see a foreign medical professional who isn’t actually that professional, your options for recourse are limited. Edwards, who practices in Las Vegas, says he sees reconstructive patients who “have gone South of the border for breast or tummy surgery” and now need it corrected. “There was no follow-up,” he says. “They ran a credit card and said ‘Adios’ and ‘Send me your friends.’ It’s important to do your homework on facilities and their practices.”

Nuri heartily agrees. While he hasn’t had any referrals made to him because of medical tourism gone wrong, there are patients going to under — or completely unqualified — practices. “The International Society [of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons] takes these clinics to court and shuts them down, but often the same people will just open a new clinic,” he says. “It’s the Society’s responsibility to stop this, but it’s also the patients’ responsibility to see proper certification papers — not just a cheap price.”

source: / Popsugar / Home> PopSugar> Beauty> Hair / by Allure / March 12th, 2015

Time cites Vicki Belo

Belo Medical Group, headed by Dr. Vicki Belo, is in the global spotlight once mofe for its innovation and achievement in cosmetic surgery and aesthetic dermatology.

Dr. Vicki Belo lands on Time Magazine’s
newest issue citing her for the country’s
efforts in medical tourism

This time, Time Magazine cited the clinic in the same  issue that featured the 2014 Person of the Year: The Ebola Fighters.

Belo Medical Group is recognized for being at the forefront of the medical tourism industry. The article named the Philippines “the Rising Star of Beauty Tourism,” a $3 billion industry, thanks in large part to Belo’s contribution.

Belo Medical Group has been around for over 24 years and has successfully performed thousands of liposuction, rhinoplasty and breast augmentation procedures others. It has grown into the preferred and most trusted name in the field.

The article noted that Belo Medical Group has “received the Platinum award from Allergen for being the Philippines’ top performing Botox treatment clinic for ten consecutive years (2007-2012). In 2010, it received the Reader’s Digest Platinum Awards as the Most Trusted Brand in Beauty Clinic Category. In 2014, it was a finalist at the ASEAN Business Awards.”

“My vision is to make the Philippines a world-renowned beauty destination,” says Belo. “We have continuously invested in raising the standards of quality in our procedures and patient care.”

Indeed they have, and the world is taking notice, putting the country on the map through Belo’s world-class services.

source: / Manila Standard Today / Home> Entertainment/ by MST Entertainment / March 02nd, 2015

Romanians spend EUR 5,000 on medical tourism

money and stethoscope

Romanians spend an average amount of EUR 5,000 on medical services outside the country, whereas the foreign tourists that come to Romania for medical services spend between EUR 3,000 and EUR 5,000.

The number of medical tourists on both sides grew last year by 15% compared to 2013, according to the Romanian medical tourism company Seytour, cited by local

Most of the foreign medical tourists that come to Romania are from Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France and Israel.

They come for dental treatments, ophthalmology, plastic and cosmetic surgery. They choose Romania, either due to a recommendation or due to some connection with the country.

Romanians go for medical treatments to Hungary, Turkey, Austria, Germany and Israel, to treat birth defects, traumas after accidents, cataracts, or various types of tumors and cancer.

source: / / Home> Daily News> Business / by Romania Insider / February 27th, 2015

What medical tourism could mean for Pensacola


People already come to Pensacola for our sugar-white beaches and our rich cultural history.

Might we also be able to lure them here with our health care?

Proposed legislation that would earmark millions of dollars to market Florida as a “medical tourism” destination is getting strong support from local health care providers.

Earlier this week, companion bills were filed in both the House and Senate that would set aside $3.5 million a year to promote the Sunshine State’s hospitals as a “destination for quality health care services.”

The legislation would expand an existing grants program set up in 2014 by the Legislature under Visit Florida — the state’s lead tourism agency — to promote medical tourism.

If signed into law, the legislation would allocate funds annually to Enterprise Florida, the state’s lead economic development agency, which would decide how and where to spend the marketing dollars.

The Florida Legislature’s 60-day regular 2015 session begins March 3.

Under both bills the marketing effort would focus on highlighting nationally, and perhaps internationally, the expertise of Florida health-care providers, while promoting medical-related conferences or business opportunities in Florida.

“We do support these bills and are thankful that state leaders are proposing legislation… that would provide greater access for patients from outside our community,” said Baptist spokesman Brett Aldridge.

The Andrews Institute for Orthopaedics and Sport Medicine in Gulf Breeze is but one high-profile medical facility in the Pensacola area that could benefit from such a campaign. It draws athletes and others based on the reputation of Dr. James Andrews, its founder.

Sacred Heart CEO Susan Davis said Pensacola area health care providers already are a destination for people from across Northwest Florida and South Alabama.

But a broader marketing campaign promoting the Pensacola area would be welcomed, she said.

“This community is fortunate to have excellent hospitals and physicians, many of whom offer specialized medical expertise and surgical skills that rival anything in the country,” Davis said.

“The hospitals in the State of Florida provide exceptional care. In addition, they are major employers that tend to be economic engines in their communities,” she said. “That certainly is true in Pensacola.”

Aldridge said he believes local lawmakers — including Sens. Don Gaetz and Greg Evers, and State Reps. Doug Broxson, Clay Ingram, Mike Hill and Matt Gaetz — will support the proposed legislation.

“We are confident our local delegation will see the mutual benefit to our community and their constituents with this proposal,” he said. “Our local delegation previously illustrated their confidence in these types of programs through their support of the Eagle Fund. ”

The Eagle Fund is a state grants program for health care providers that is designed to help wounded veterans.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.

source: / Pensacola Today / Home> News> Medical Tourism / by Carlton Proctor / February 26th, 2015