Visit – Popular TV Show Healthline examines why American patients in good numbers are now flying to India to get advanced surgeries done at Harvard Medical Associated Wockhardt Group Hospitals in India. Wockhardt hospitals are now undoubtedly remarkable milestones in the medical map of Asia. State of the art facilities equipped with latest technology and truly World class Clinical Talent dedicated to the whole range of Cardiac, Orthopedic, Neurosciences and Minimal Access Surgery. 43 million people in the US are without health insurance and the number is growing.Some Americans are choosing a different course and taking their healthcare in their own hands and outsourcing it to foreign countries like India, where one can be treated at a fraction prices at the US cost at Wockhardt Hospitals in India.
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Breast augmentation surgery in India is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery. The reason being that it is a procedure that always culminates in a perfect result – with happy and contented patients who have endured no discomfort to be rewarded with the type of shape they have always wanted. Breast augmentation surgery in India at cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai with health tourism is aiming to help women whose breasts are small, to have larger and proportional breasts, to make their dream come true and to be similar with others. Breast augmentation surgery takes normally between one and a half and two hours depended on the location of incisions, how much bleeding, fresh or corrective cases. Drawing the extent of dissection may be done on the chest in sitting position before anesthesia or lying position after anesthesia depended on surgeon experience. The selected incision is done approximately 4 to 6 centimeters. The space will be created under or above chest muscle according to the agreement during consultation. Normally, the surgeon prefers to place implants under chest muscle if there is no disadvantage. Then, antibiotic solution will be used to irrigate inside those pockets. The most important step is to squeeze the breast implants until it sit on the right position. Finally, both incisions are closed. The cost of Breast augmentation surgery in India is almost 30% lower to that in Western countries and the cheapest in South-east Asia. India is a …
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